Friday, January 6, 2012

Red Solo Cup

Good Morning Art Land!  In an effort to make my paintings relevant (actually I just wanted to have a little fun), I bring you the "Red Solo Cup" inspired by the song by Toby Keith.  When I first heard its lyrics "Red Solo Cup, You Fill Me Up", I thought, "you've got to be kidding", but I couldn't get it out of my mind. Then, yesterday as I pulled up to my studio/husband's office, there, by the curb in the parking lot was something shiny and bright red, glistening in the grayish snow like a beacon. I ran back to the Village Pantry and grabbed a bag of Doritos and voila-a painting was born.  So my wish for y'all this New Year is "May the road always rise up to meet you, and may your Red Solo Cup always be full!"
ChEeRs, Lesley

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  1. Lesley I like this one, cool story keep up the great art work!

  2. Nicely done, Leslie.
    Great plastic shine.
    Missed you at the PL gathering yesterday.
    BTW we're doing a white on white challenge for next week.
